Day 3: Prom Dress

I had to do some research to figure out what I was doing wrong with the arm hole because it was bulging out in a weird way. I figure out a way to get it to fit correctly eventually (not pictured). I also spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out what sort of beaded thing to put on the dress. I don’t know if I want to make it more simple and spend that time focusing on another aspect of the project or make it really complicated.

Tomorrow I am going to transfer my pattern to paper so that I can get ready to create the final piece and maybe start on the skirt.

Today I worked from 7am-9am and from 12pm-1pm. The rest of the week I am definitely going to have more regular work hours.

Honestly I find this environment more motivating because I don’t really have anyone telling me what to do which means that I can work at my own pace and do things in an order that I like.


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