Day 1: Prom Dress

Today my main focus was drafting up a pattern for the top of my dress and making a whole bunch of mock-ups so that it would fit correctly. I got through two mock-ups today and I will have to continue with more tomorrow because it still does not fit in the way that I would like it to. I had to play around a bit with the placement of the darts on the top and also the way that the arm holes were cut. I also received some of the material for my final dress today, and I liked the fabric that I ordered samples of so I went ahead and ordered the rest of the material.

I’m not having a very hard time working by myself. Some of my family members are in the houses so its not like I’m completely alone. It is weird not seeing my friends all the time like I do at school but I did get some messages throughout the day from some of them so I don’t think it’ll be terribly difficult to keep in touch with them during senior options. I like to listen to podcasts while I’m sewing but I have to find a new one to listen to since I just finished my last one.

I thought it might be difficult to work on the same thing for six or seven hours a day, but then I thought about it and I realized that most of the time I work on projects for like fourteen hours a day so it’s actually a lot less than usual.

I worked an extra hour today because I have an AP tomorrow and I wanted to be able to space out the make-up time throughout the week.

I worked from 8am-3pm (7 hours) today.


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