Skate Bag
Recently I’ve started getting tired of shoving my skates into a too-small beach bag along with my mom’s ice skates, so I figured that instead of buying another bag, I could just make one myself. I didn’t use that many measurements in making this bag, I literally just put a skate down on a piece…
Science Pants
These are my science pants. I am very proud of them. I would like to make it perfectly clear that the cuffs are not uneven, I just had my knee bent.
Rock Tumbler Pt. 4
I forgot about my rocks for a little bit so they were just sitting there, but now they’re done. The instructions advise putting some mineral oil on them so that they stay shiny, so I’ll probably do that eventually.
Rock Tumbler Pt. 3
The rocks are almost done! I made the mistake of stopping the rock tumbler and not emptying it immediately, and even though it was only about 7 hours, the sediment from the grit and the ground up rocks turned into this really weird blob at the bottom and it was rather difficult to get off,…
Rock Tumbler Pt. 2
This is how far my rocks are so far, they’re rather smooth, they are all significantly smaller than they were after the first grit. Below is just a fun little video I made, I had some issues uploading it, so I just uploaded it as an unlisted video on YouTube so I could put it…
Rock Tumbler Pt. 1
I didn’t take any photos of the rocks before I put them in the rock tumbler, but they were much more jagged and this is what they look like after 4 days at the highest speed with Grit #1. The manual suggested 3-5 days on the highest speed for the first Grit, most of my…